Turmeric - Nature’s Immune Booster
Healthy Turmeric Latte
Spice up your diet with a healthy dose of turmeric!
Many of you know Turmeric as the yellow spice that is combined with cumin, coriander, and other spices to make curry. Turmeric has many health benefits due to its ability to reduce inflammation in the body; the underlying cause of many chronic health conditions.
Turmeric is a member of the ginger family and you probably have a jar of the ground form in your spice cupboard. Turmeric is a root and you can buy the fresh root in many fruit and veg shops. Turmeric contains the bioactive ingredient curcumin, a powerful compound that works with the body by turning certain genes on or off that cause inflammation.
Inflammation is a normal bodily response to infections, viruses, and bacteria. Normally our inflammation is low, and it is easy for the body to manage. Other times inflammation may be uncontrolled and the body and the genes struggle to keep it under control.
The root cause of most diseases in the body is inflammation. As a part of normal functioning, the body produces free radicals and unstable free oxygen molecules that can cause damage to the cells and tissues of the body, resulting in systemic inflammation.
Your body’s response to oxidative stress is to produce antioxidants whose role is to quench and stabilise these free radical molecules and prevent damage to the body. When the free radicals outnumber the antioxidants, oxidative stress, and inflammation occur. If inflammation is uncontrolled, it becomes a cycle - oxidative stress causes inflammation and the cycle continues.
The powerful bioactive properties of Curcumin can turn on genes that produce the body's antioxidants- the powerhouses of our immune system- such as Vitamin A and C. But Curcumin can also turn off the genes that produce inflammation.
So, this powerhouse compound - TURMERIC - can work to stop the oxidative stress-inflammation cycle and reduce the underlying cause of most chronic diseases.
Research has linked the benefits of turmeric to improving osteoarthritis, alleviating depression, and lowering your risk of heart disease and even Diabetes.
I love learning about how we can use nature and food to feed our bodies, and our genes to reduce our risk of chronic disease. I now incorporate culinary genomics- how you can use the food you eat every day to have an impact on your health all the way down to the level of your genes- to help my clients heal.
Discover how you can add the power of turmeric every day with this Healthy Turmeric Latte
Discovering how to eat and cook for your genes can help you reduce or prevent your chronic disease risks and increase your longevity.
And who doesn't want to live longer?
Book a Free 30-minute Health Consult today to find out how you can live longer by using the power of nutrigenomics.
Feed your genes, heal your body
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