What’s in your Genes & DNA?

While most people think genes and genetics is a new science, they only finished mapping the whole human genome in 2003, it really has its origins a long time ago. DNA was originally discovered in 1869 by a Swiss researcher named Friedrich Miescher when he isolated a new molecule, he called nuclein- DNA with associated proteins- from a cell nucleus.

Science has long known that human DNA is 99.9% identical, meaning the difference between you and me is only that tiny 0.01%. Not much really.

But that very small amount can be the difference between you being at greater risk of a chronic health condition, of which most have a genetic connection.

Your genes make you who you are- whether you have red hair, blue eyes or how short or tall you are, it all comes down to the genes or the DNA you get from your parents.

But here's the best part, whilst you can't change your genes, you can change how well they work and reduce your risk of the chronic health issues that your parents and grandparents have had in the past.

You see your genes are only 30% of the problem, it's really your diet and lifestyle that have the biggest impact on your genes and on your health.

Toxins, stress, processed food, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle all affect the way your body (and your genes) function. The choices you make everyday have the biggest impact on your genes and your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis or even cancer.

So how can you reduce your risk?

Genetics is all about the body’s systems, and puzzling over how they interact to create disease in different people. But how do you work out if your genes are impacting your health or not?

This is complex and is all about epigenetics. This is where your environment (diet, stress, chemicals, pathogens, movement) genetic variants come into play that otherwise might not, or even cause good genes to behave badly.

I’ll give you an example of how your genes might impact your IMMUNITY via your nutrition.

Your genes can impact your ability to uptake and utilise vitamins and minerals, as well as histamines, and antioxidants, which can impact your immune sytem.

VITAMIN D- it plays a big role in your immune response, as well as bone and muscle health, and mood.

Genetic variants, or SNPs, can lead to…

  • An increased risk of a Vit D deficiency

  • Reduced responses to vit D

  • Increased susceptibility to autoimmune disease

  • Lower vit D levels

If I see a client with immune compromise indicated by their diagnosis or signs and symptoms, Vit D genetic variants and low blood levels, I will know their gene variant is expressing. You can use genetic information to resolve your chronic inflammation, fatigue, insomnia, blood sugar problems, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular issues or more using nutrition and supplementation, and resolving health problems, step by step

Let’s talk nutrigenomics

Nutrigenomics is the science of how the food you eat can influence your genes, and it’s focused on the prevention of disease.

Food is the fuel the whole body needs to make it function and you can use food to impact your health all the way down to the level of your genes.

Using healthy food- fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains- the body can use the bioactive plant nutrients to directly activate your genes to keep you healthy.

Want to know how you can eat for your genes? Why not book a Free 30-minute session today to find out more.


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Stress & Women’s Hormones
